Join DSNWK and Live with Purpose! Expanding staffing accessibility and adding additional Lead Personal Assistant positions at Hays, KS locations. As a Lead you would:Mentor and model how to teach independent living skills to individuals served through consistent implementation of teaching plans/goals and behavior programs. Provide feedback to Personal Assistants for ongoing staff development and more
Developmental Services of Northwest Kansas appreciates your potential interest in a position with our Company. We would like to encourage you to visit our Company webpage at to learn more about our mission, the services we provide, and the current position openings. After further inquiry should you find yourself eager to begin Living with Purpose, then we encourage you to venture to the online Career Opportunities page to complete an application for any and all applicable openings. Thank you for your consideration in a career advocating with persons with disabilities and those who care about them by planning and supporting a life of dignity, interdependence, and personal satisfaction in the community.